Wood treatment
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Tiger is your specialist in the treatment of frames against xylophagous insects.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
We work in the treatment of wood, frames, furniture ...
Whether preventive or curative , our wood treatment experts will find the most suitable solution to keep your frame or your furniture in good condition.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
How to recognize the signs of an infested frame?
Galleries on the surface of the wood
Sawdust under the beam
Small visible holes
Noises in the frame (we can sometimes hear the noise of wood-boring insects working)
Know that if you notice one of these 4 signs on one of your beams or furniture, it is time to bring in a professional to carry out a survey as quickly as possible.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
How is the treatment carried out?
Logging / Brushing : stripping of the still healthy wood using a stripper or an ax then brushing in order to remove the sawdust.
Drilling : 2/3 of the beam in order to insert in staggered rows every 35cm of the wood injectors
Injection : at very high pressure in the wood injectors so that the insecticide and fungicide solution reaches the heart of the wood and deeply treats the beam
Double spraying : at low pressure it allows a slow impregnation on the surface of the insecticide and / or fungicide solution in order to improve the persistence and therefore avoid any rapid return of xylophagous insects
Bruits dans les combles, murs ou greniers
Excréments dans les coins et les lieux humides et chaud
Petits trous de galeries apparents
Traces de griffes ou de dents sur des bois, câblages etc..
Sachez que si vous remarquez un de ces 4 signes chez vous, il est temps de faire intervenir un professionnel afin d'effectuer un traitement le plus rapidement possible.
Comment s'effectue le traitement ?
Identification: Identification de la zone de traitement et des points clés pour une efficacité dès le départ. ​
Mise en place du dispositif: Pose de postes d'appâtage avec du produit rodenticide à l'intérieur aux endroits prédéfinis.
1er Passage : Passage 15 jours après la pose pour recharger les boîtes d'appâts et ajuster les zones de traitement si nécessaire.
Deuxième passage : Nouveau passage encore 15 jours plus tard pour un autre relevé d'appâts et un changement de matières organique
Pourquoi se protéger et traiter les invasions de rongeurs?
Why and when should you protect your frame against wood-boring insects?
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Wood is a natural, living material known for its longevity when properly cared for. This one undergoes various and varied attacks of various parasites (fungi, insects, larvae ...)
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The most common but also the most harmful, in the region of Var and the Alpes Maritimes, are xylophagous insects, commonly known as Wood-eating Capricorns. They are capable of completely destroying a frame.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
You should know that new constructions are treated and have a 10-year guarantee against all xylophagous insects.
It is therefore important at the end of these 10 years to carry out regular checks and preventive treatments in order to avoid an infestation.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Tiger recommends polling every 2 years to prevent infestation.
Le saviez-vous?
Image d'un campagnol
For all your problems related to xylophagous insects that attack your beams, your frames, your woodwork ... you can count on our teams: