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Lutter contre les guêpes et les frelons
Lutter contre les moustiques avec Tiger
Lutter contre les moustiques avec Tiger



Guêpes et Frelons 83


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For all your Wasps, Hornets, Asian Hornets problems, we have solutions to offer you.

Destruction of Nests of Wasps, Hornets, Asian Hornets .

Powder coating under the roof to destroy and prevent the arrival of nests.

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Destruction of wasps and hornets nests:

  • By Spray

  • By Powdering

  • Nest destruction

TIGER quickly and effectively removes and destroys your wasp and hornet nests.


Get rid of wasp and hornet nests in your garden !!

Let's not take wasp and hornet stings lightly, as these can be very dangerous and extremely painful.

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There are thousands of places in your house, garage, barn, garden, balcony apartment where nests can settle permanently. When the nest is built, it is protected by its hosts within a radius of ten meters.

Above all, do not try to exterminate these nests yourself, it is necessary to call in a professional in order to treat them sustainably and above all safely.

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Small mention on Asian hornets which are considered very dangerous and destructive every year of honeycombs and deadly stings.


Call on TIGER in the Var and Alpes Maritimes department.

It is also important to point out that firefighters are no longer authorized to travel for this type of intervention.



Les Insectes Volants


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A problem with flies, midges, horseflies ....

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Don't panic, TIGER has the solution.

Often annoying, flying insects can quickly make our daily lives unbearable. Contact us quickly to find the most suitable solution for your problem.

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We offer you the efficient and rapid treatment of all types of flying or crawling insects, whether indoors or outdoors. TIGER follows its Eco responsible policy and works with products recommended by the WHO. We will find the solution to your problem, Contact us!

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Insects can bring a feeling of disgust, but not only that, you should know that the vast majority of insects are dangerous for health by fully contributing to the development of various pathologies such as allergies, respiratory problems, asthma ...



Les Moustiques | Tiger Solution

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Enjoy your outdoors all summer without mosquitoes, ask us for a quick intervention, take advantage of a one-off treatment for an event or a permanent solution!

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Tiger Solution explains the process to you by: "High pressure thermal spraying"

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Do you want to enjoy the pleasures of your garden, terrace or swimming pool? Do you want to be able to have fun with your children or have a barbecue with friends in total comfort without worrying about mosquitoes? Don't get bitten again Trust TIGER for the global management of mosquito control.

High pressure thermal spraying: The purpose of the spray treatment is to eliminate almost all of the mosquitoes present on your property at the time of the passage. The so-called “contact” treatment allows rapid action and formidable efficiency.

This mosquito repellent spray must be repeated several times throughout the season which begins at the end of April and ends in November on the French Riviera.

We recommend carrying out 9 mosquito repellent sprays during this period in order to obtain an optimal result.

This type of mosquito repellent can also be adapted to your specific needs during special events (Birthdays, Weddings, Baptisms, Evenings, etc.)

We only use Eco responsible products recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization)

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


The eggs of the female mosquito are deposited one at a time or tied together to form a "raft". They float on the surface of the water. The classic mosquitoes called Culex, lay their eggs on the surface of the water while the Aedes (tiger mosquitoes) lay their eggs on the wet ground which will be flooded by the water. Most mosquito eggs hatch into larvae within 48 hours. Some could withstand winter and sub-zero temperatures before hatching. Water is a necessary part of their habitat.

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The mosquito larva lives in water and comes to the surface to breathe. She molts their skin four times. Mosquito larvae feed on microorganisms and organic matter in the water. During the fourth molt, the mosquito larva transforms into a pupa.

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It is a stage of rest, a stage of non-feeding. The nymphs are mobile, in response to changes in light. This is the moment when the mosquito turns into an adult. This process is similar to the metamorphosis of butterflies. This stage takes about 48 hours in summer. When development is complete, the skin divides and the adult mosquito emerges.


The newly emerged adult rests on the surface of the water to dry and harden. The wings must spread out and dry properly before they can fly. Mosquitoes can only be fed blood and mating 48 hours after the adult has emerged.

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Mosquito Bites Explained by Tiger Solution and Mosquito-borne Diseases

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The chikungunya

The Chikungunya virus is a pathogen transmitted by mosquitoes, which has established itself in the Caribbean (around 350,000 suspected cases since December 2013.) In France, there are currently 2 cases of chikungunya in the Var department, nearby from Fréjus, Saint-Raphael.

The name "Chikungunya" is a word meaning "that which leans up", which describes the main symptom - excruciating joint pain. Although rarely fatal, the symptoms are debilitating and can persist for several weeks. There is no vaccine and primary treatment is limited to pain and hyperthermia medications.

Several species of mosquitoes are capable of transmitting chikungunya, but only the Aedes albopict us (tiger mosquito) has so far been identified as an epidemic vector, due to its perfect adaptation to residential areas. This tiger mosquito lays its eggs in containers such as boxes, saucers, gutters, basins, flowerpots, garbage cans or other items that retain water near human dwellings.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The dengue

Formerly called "tropical flu", dengue fever is a viral infection. Although there is low mortality, dengue fever has very uncomfortable symptoms. To date, there is still no vaccine or specific antiviral treatment, but several vaccines are in development. The only species of mosquito vector of dengue fever is Aedes albopictus (tiger mosquito). This mosquito prefers to lay its eggs in all kinds of containers near human dwellings. The spread of dengue fever around the world can be directly attributed to the proliferation and adaptation of these mosquitoes.


Malaria is an old disease. In all likelihood, originating in Africa, the malaria parasite is transmitted by female mosquitoes. Scientists conducted extensive research on the disease during the 1880s and early 1900s. About 40% of the world's population is susceptible to malaria, mainly in the tropics and subtropics. This disease was virtually eradicated in temperate zones during the 20th century. The use of air conditioners and mosquito nets, as well as public health interventions have greatly reduced the transmission of malaria in tropical areas. Nevertheless, from time to time it is found a few cases in Europe.

Even today more than a million deaths and 500 million cases are still reported each year worldwide. Malaria is reported to kill a child every 40 seconds. Antimalarial drugs have been available for over 50 years. Recently, scientists in Britain cracked the code of the parasite's genome, a step that may help boost the fight against the disease.

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Need more information, advice? Contact us and speak in:

Treatment of mosquito larvae

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In addition to our sprays, we also offer to treat the mosquito problem at the source by directly attacking the larvae. For this, TIGER will determine the most suitable areas for the establishment of egg-laying sites in order to permanently trap future mosquitoes and at the same time to treat stagnant water points in order to eradicate proliferation. This treatment is also completely ecological and contributes to our Eco responsible policy.

The mosquito goes through four stages during its life cycle: egg, larva, pupa and adult.

Lutter contre les moustiques selon Tiger

Oeufs :

Les oeufs de la femelle moustique sont déposés un par un ou fixés ensembles pour former un « radeau ». Ils flottent à la surface de l’eau. Les moustiques classiques appelé Culex, pondent leurs œufs à la surface de l’eau tandis que les Aedes (moustiques tigres) pondent leurs œufs sur le sol humide qui sera inondé par l’eau. La plupart des œufs de moustiques éclosent en larves dans les 48 heures. Certains pourraient résister à l’hiver et aux températures inférieures à zéro avant l’éclosion. L’eau est une partie nécessaire de leur habitat.

Larve :

La larve de moustique vit dans l’eau et vient à la surface pour respirer. Elle mue leur peau quatre fois. Les larves de moustiques se nourrissent de micro-organismes et de matière organique dans l’eau. Au cours de la quatrième mue, la larve de moustique se transforme en nymphe.

Nymphe :

C’est un stade de repos, un stade de non alimentation. Les nymphes sont mobiles, en réponse aux changements de lumière. C’est le moment où le moustique se transforme en adulte. Ce processus est similaire à la métamorphose des papillons. Cette étape prend environ 48 heures en été. Lorsque le développement est terminé, la peau se divise et le moustique adulte émerge.


Adulte :

L’adulte nouvellement émergé repose à la surface de l’eau afin de sécher et de durcir. Les ailes doivent s’étaler et sécher correctement avant de pouvoir voler. L’alimentation en sang et l’accouplement des moustiques ne peut se faire que 48 heures après que l’adulte ai émergé.

Les piqûres de moustiques expliquées par Tiger Solution et les maladies transmises par les moustiques

Le chikungunya

Le virus Chikungunya est un agent pathogène transmis par les moustiques, qui s’est établi dans les Caraïbes (environ 350 000 cas suspects depuis Décembre 2013.) En France on dénombre à ce jour 2 cas de chikungunya dans le département du Var, à proximité de Fréjus, Saint-Raphael.

Le nom « Chikungunya » est un mot signifiant «ce qui se penche jusqu’à », qui décrit le principal symptôme – douleurs articulaires atroces. Bien que rarement mortelle, les symptômes sont invalidants et peuvent persister pendant plusieurs semaines. Il n’existe aucun vaccin et le traitement primaire est limité aux médicaments contre la douleur et l’hyperthermie.

Plusieurs espèces de moustiques sont susceptibles de transmettre le chikungunya, mais seul l’Aedes albopictus (moustique tigre) a été à ce jour identifié comme vecteur épidémique, du fait de sa parfaite adaptation aux zones d’habitations. Ce moustique tigre pond ses œufs dans des récipients tels que des boîtes, soucoupes, gouttières, bassins, pots de fleurs, poubelles ou d’autres éléments qui retiennent l’eau à proximité des habitations humaines.

La dengue

Anciennement appelé « grippe tropical », la dengue est une infection viral. Bien qu’il y ait une faible mortalité, la dengue a des symptômes très inconfortables. A ce jour il n’existe pas encore de vaccin ni de traitement spécifique antiviral, mais plusieurs vaccins sont en développement. La seule espèce de moustique vecteur de la dengue est l’Aedes albopictus (moustique tigre). Ce moustique préfère pondre ses œufs dans toutes sortes de récipients à proximité des habitations humaines. La propagation de la dengue dans le monde entier peut être directement attribué à la prolifération et à l’adaptation de ces moustiques.


Le paludisme

Le paludisme est une maladie ancienne. Selon toute vraisemblance, originaire d’Afrique, le parasite du paludisme est transmis par les moustiques femelles. Les scientifiques ont mené de nombreuses recherches sur la maladie au cours des années 1880 et au début des années 1900. Environ 40% de la population mondiale est sensible au paludisme, principalement dans les zones tropicales et subtropicales. Cette maladie a été quasiment éradiquée dans les zones tempérées au cours du 20e siècle . L’utilisation des climatiseurs et des moustiquaires, ainsi que des interventions de santé publique ont largement fait reculer la transmission du paludisme dans les zones tropicales. Néanmoins, de temps en temps on le retrouve quelques cas en Europe. 

Encore aujourd’hui plus d’un million de décès et 500 millions de cas sont encore signalés chaque année dans le monde. Il est rapporté que le paludisme tue un enfant toutes les 40 secondes. Les médicaments antipaludéens sont disponibles depuis plus de 50 ans. Récemment, des scientifiques en Grande-Bretagne ont déchiffré le code du génome du parasite, une étape qui peut aider à stimuler la lutte contre la maladie.

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